Jumat, 29 April 2011

Talking To The Moon

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself

Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know

Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

Ahh Ahh,
Ahh Ahh,

Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you

In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away

Long Distance

There's only so many songs
That I can sing to pass the time
And I'm running out of things to do
To get you off my mind

All i have is this picture in a frame
That I hold close to see your face every day

With you is where I'd rather be
But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard,you're so far
This long distance is killing me
I wish that you were here with me
But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard,you're so far
This long distance is killing me

It's so hard,it's so hard
Where we are,where we are
You're so far,this long distance is killing me
It's so hard,it's so hard
Where we are,where we are
You're so far,this long distance is killing me

Now the minutes feel like hours
And the hours feel like days
While I'm away
You know right now I can't be home
But I'm coming home soon,coming home soon

All i have is this picture in a frame

Your Biggest Fan

I never thought I would, did it
Never thought I could
I did it like that, did it like this
Did it like everybody knows
That we got something real, shorty
I know what I feel
So shout it like that
Shout it like this
Listen up, everybody knows
But you, here it goes

Cause I never really noticed
Took a while for me to see
Playing back the moments
Now I'm starting to believe
That you could be at the show and know everyone
But it's you who makes me sing
And I know where we are and I know who I am
Baby, I'm your biggest fan, oh

Every time you smile for me
Takes me a while to bring myself back
Cause you're all that
And I just had to let you know
I'm screaming out in the crowd for you
I can't be too loud but I don't care
I let 'em all stare
I just want everyone to know
The truth, it's only you

I never really noticed
Took a while for me to see
Playing back the moments
Now I'm starting to believe
That you could be at the show and know everyone
But it's you who makes me sing
And I know where we are and I know who I am
Baby, I'm your biggest fan

You showed up and you looked so classy
Made me think twice 'bout the way I was acting
You were real from the start of it all
Like a dream came to life, now I'm left in all
Stars shine but your light is the brightest
Love flies but your love is the highest
You're so sweet that it drives me crazy
A summer like no other, you're my L.A. baby

I never really noticed
Took a while for me to see
Playing back the moments
Now I'm starting to believe
That you could be at the show and know everyone
But it's you who makes me sing
And I know where we are and I know who I am
Baby, I'm your biggest fan, oh
Baby, I'm your biggest fan, oh

That you could be at the show and know everyone
But it's you who makes me sing
And I know where we are and I know who I am
Baby, I'm your biggest fan

Never Grow Up

Your little hands wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming
So I tuck you in and turn on your favorite nightlight

To you, everything's funny
You got nothing to regret
I'd give all I have honey
If you could stay like that

Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little

Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
I won't let nobody hurt you
Wont let no one break your heart

No one will desert you
Just try to never grow up
Never grow up

You're in the car on the way to the movies
And you're mortified your mama's dropping you off
At 14, there's just so much you can't do
And you can't wait to move out
Someday and call your own shots

But don't make her drop you off around the block
Remember she's getting older too
And don't lose the way that you dance around in your PJs getting ready for school

Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
No one's ever burned
Nothing's ever left you scarred

Even though you want to, just try to never grow up

Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
Memorize what is sounded like what your dad gets home
Remember the footsteps, remember the words said
And all your little brother's favorite songs
I just realized everything I had is someday gonna be gone
So here I am in my new apartment
In a big city, they just dropped me off
It's so much colder than I thought it would be
So I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on

Wish I'd never grown up
I wish I'd never grown up
Oh I don't wanna grow up
Wish I'd never grown up
Could still be little
Oh I don't wanna grow up
It could still be simple

Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
Won't let nobody hurt you
Won't let no one break your heat

And even throuhg toyu want to, please try to never grow up
Don't you ever grow up
Just never grow up
MAU TAU RASANYA?????? RASANYA.......................................................................masih ada beban. Yap! Gue belum merasa 100% bebas.

Kalo kata orang "UN selesai = bebas" bagi gue belum. Kebebasan akan gue rasakan kalo ijazah beserta nilai udah ditangan, yang berarti harus menunggu *ngitungpakejari* 2 bulan lagi *hening* . Etttt! Ga hanya itu. Kalo udah ada ijazah tapi belum tau mau lanjut kemana juga sama aja. Makanya, bebas itu = ijazah+nilai ditangan&SMA yang diinginkan tercapai *amiiiin!!!!

Selama 3 tahun kita belajar di SMP harus dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Kita boleh anggep santai sekolah, tapi kita harus punya tanggung jawab akan nilai-nilai kita. Jangan sampai nilai kita jelek karena terlalu santai. Kalo nilai jelek, kita bakal bingun mau ke SMA/SMK mana karena ga ada yang mencukupi. Kalo nilai tinggi, kita juga bakal kebingungan. Bingung mau masuk mana, soalnya direbutin hehehehe

Kalo  kalian pilih yang mana? Kalo gue sih milih bingung karena direbutin :p Jadi, buat adek-adek yang masih bersantai-santai, jangan terlalu santai lah. Penyesalan selalu datang belakangan loh!

A Confession of A Belieber

This belieber is my friend. I know her from twitter. This afternoon (28/4), I saw her tweets and it said that she deleted her Justin Bieber folber which contain his songs, videos and picts. She also put her Bieber's stuff in a box. I was asking what happened to her. I was kinda worried cause I know that she's a real belieber, and not just a fan like me.
When I asked her, she asked me to read her blog. I read it and guess what? I cried. Yeah, that's right. I cried. This girl, she was a real belieber. She wanted to move on, and not just hoping to Justin Bieber who doesn't even know she existed. She told what she did to watch Justin's concert when he was in Indonesia. She had a gift for Justin. She really wanted to give it.. She was looking for Justin's crew so she could ask them to give it to Justin but she couldn't find them. And it wasn't all. There's so many things that she already did for Justin.
She's not giving up being a beliber. She just wanna move on. Like she said, "@justinbieber I left you because I wanna reach my own dream."
You know, I learn something from her. I should have moved on from this guy for long. He broke my heart so many times, but I'm still hoping on him even if he already has a gf. When I realize he changed, I still believed on him. But after reading my friend's confession, I made a decision. I will and have to forgot this guy who hurt me so bad. He's not the only guy in this world. I'm still breathing without him. He's not everything.
Girls (or maybe boys), when someone you love doesn't love you back, don't feel like it's the end of the world. I believe that there might be someone for you. And this someone is better than him(or her) and will love you for who you are. 

PS: Sorry if my grammar is bad. I'm still learning ya know :D 

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Di pagi yang cerah itu (bisa dibilang panas), gue keburu-buru berangkat ke sekolah karena kesiangan. Saat itu hari ketiga gue perang sama soal UN *pake iket kepala*  Jalannya rame tuh, jadi rada macet. Karena gue bosen, gue ngamatin jalan. Menikmati pemandangan *eaeaaa

Pas gue lagi asik-asiknya menikmati hijaunya pepohonan (?) , sekilas gue liat fixie yang warnanya menarik mata gue sampe melar (?) . Pas gue liat yang ngendarain, ternyata dia adalah......*jengjeng *zoom100x *beksonhorror (?) kakak kelas gue, Kak Danang. Gue tercengang sampe mulut ga bisa nutup *boongdeng(?).

Setelah 2jam di ruang ujian yang panas karena pengawasnya......ya gitulah (?), gue pulang dan ngadem di depan kipas angin yang ga ngaruh sama sekali *banting kipas* (?) Gue lagi nonton TV, habis makan, dan gue tiduran (tambah ndut deh u,u), padahal niatnya mau nyari nomernya Kak Danang buat bilang "KAKAAAAK!!!! I SAW U THIS MORNING!!!!" *yang ada dia ketakutan wkwkwwk*.

Karena ke-mager-an gue itu, gue hampir ketiduran. Di saat alam mimpi mulai memangil, tiba-tiba sofa gue geter dangue ikut geter, seluruh dunia goncang-gancing *okeinilebe, ternyata ada sms dr unknown number. Pas gue liat ternyata yang sms............................. *jengjeng KAK DANANG! Seketika gue kaget, muka cengo gue keluar, like: .___." ( ?) Dan sejak saat itu hubungan kakak-adek ini terhubung lagi (?) dan gue smsan sama dia saat nulis ini. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
-THE END- (?)

Thanks for reading my post :)

Sabtu, 16 April 2011


PARODIARTIS, atau partis, berarti banget bagi gue. Mereka bukan cuma kelompok anak-anak yang bisa bikin gue ngakak setengah mati *lebe tapi beneran*. Mereka juga ngajarin gue pribadi tentang beberapa hal. Tentang kehidupan, persahabatan, solidaritas, kejujuran, banyak deh!
Partis gue anggap "keluarga". Kenapa? Dari partis, gue kenal banyak orang dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia dengan berbagai karakter dan umur. (sebenernya ga cuma itu sih tapi ga bisa ngejelasinnya). Gue kenal orang yang gue anggep temen biasa, sahabat, sampe kakak. Emang sih ga semua hal yang ada di partis baik, tapi efeknya bagi gue lebih banyak positif daripada negatif. Contohnya, gue yang dulu pendiem, ga PDan jadi lebih PD. Gue juga kenal orang-orang yang emang bener-bener "ga waras" sampe bisa buat ngakak (dan tekor) -_-v Selain itu, partis juga nunjukin ke banyakl orang kalo semua orang punya bakat ngelucu.
Partis ga cuma itu aja bagi gue. Lebih dari itu! Itu baru hal-hal kecil. Yang lebih dari itu susah lah untuk diungkapin.

Jujur, sebenernya ga cuma ini yang mau gue ungkapin tentang partis. Banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak banget!!! Sampe-sampe satu halaman buku gede penuh nih hahaha
Semoga partis tetep eksis sampe akhir jaman *lebe hahahahahaha AMIN!!!!!!


Shabrina K. :)

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Agnes Monica says...

When haters we're busy talking
I was busy making it happen
When they were mocking
I was busy walking
When they were busy laughing
I was busy running
And they STILL wondering 
why they're left behind

Kamis, 14 April 2011


#parodiartis habis dapet ujian nih, guys! Ada yg "ikut-ikut" #nooffense ga nyangka gue kalo partis se -eksis itu sampe ada yang ikut-ikut :pV
Well, bilangnya sih mereka (yang "ikut-ikut") beda "konsep" tapi gue jg ga ngerti dimanya, toh intinya mereka bakal ngebuat ngakak followers KATANYA. Tapi jujur, menurut gue pribadi mereka garing, ga lucu. Bukti? Gue ga ngakak, malah cengo liat tweet mereka -_-

Menurut gue, ini bisa jadi pelajaran buat partis. Kalo ga mau punah, mending kita bersatu buat mempertahanin partis, bukannya perang sendiri-sendiri. Bersikap profesional lah paling gak. Ga suka atau merasa terganggu sama seseorang itu biasa kok :) Tapi demi partis, bisa lah bersikap profesional.

Menurut gue, anak-anak partis solidaritasnya tinggi. Buktinya mereka membela hak mereka kemarin. Yang biasanya ogah-ogahan jadi on lg demi partis :D

Ini hanya menurut gue sih, kalo ga terima maaf ya :)


Sebagai anak kelas 9 (3SMP), pasti bakal ngadepin yang namanya UN alias Ujian Nasional. Untuk kelas SMP, UN dilaksanakan tanggal 25-28 April yang berarti tinggal 11 HARI!!!!! Itu seminggu lebih 4 hari, bray! Ga nyangka, tinggal 11 hari gue pake putih-biru. 11 hari ngabisin waktu sama temen-temen SMP. 11 hari ketemu guru-guru killer yang sebenernya bermaksud baik sama kita, para siswa. Mereka mendidik kita supaya disiplin, giat, biar bisa lulus. Ga cuma lulus doang tapi lulus dengan nilai yang memuaskan. Lulus mah gampang, ga bermaksud sombong, tp kalo lulus dengan nilai yang pas-pasan apa artinya?

Menjelang ujian pasti pernah dapet SMS (atau BM bagi pengguna BB) yang isinya "sebarin kalo mau lulus" dan semacamnya? Menurut gue itu ga guna. Menurut gue, lulus atau ga ditentuin sama usaha+doa, bukan sms kaya gitu.
"Kelulusan itu ditentukan o/ usaha kalian&tangan Tuhan, bukan SMS/BM!"  - @otakodongnius

That's I can say. Anyway, good luck buat yang mau ujian, baik SD, SMP, maupun SMA! Do your best and don't forget to pray!  :D

Sabtu, 09 April 2011


Inget post gue tentang " PARODIARTIS " ? Ya. Merekalah salah satu moodbooster gue. Dari mood yang beteeee banget gue bisa jadi geje, gila. Ga percaya? Follow mereka aja di twitter. (read this: http://shabrinak.blogspot.com/2010/12/parodiartis. )
Tumblr uga ada kok. Nih yang pasti dijamin bikin ngakak ----> http://pecelicious.tumblr.com/
#promosi dikit gapapa lah ya huehehehehehe ;p