Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Taylor Swift

Have you ever feel like seeing your child growing up when you see your celebrity's journey to get this famous? Well, it happened to me yesterday afternoon. I was studying chemistry and there was E! Special Taylor Swift. I threw away my chemistry books and watched it. I almost cried during the show. She's so......inspirational (I don't even know the word's meaning -_-v) She's awesome. She's the kind of girl that everyone wanna have as best friend. She's kind, adorable, beautiful, talented. She plays with words beautifully. She sings awesomely. Her songs are written from her heart. I think that's why they describe how teenagers feel. In love, heartbroken, being ignored by everyone and the lover one, being bullied. She describes it perfectly. I love her so much! 

Actually, I wrote this in my bb's memo yestrday and I thought it was more than this._."

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